Engineering Kits Communicator
The Engineering Kits Communicator is a C program that manages the communication between a computer and an Engineering Kit. It handles the collecting and downloading of user provided bitmaps, attributes and commands. It also receives various reports from the Kit. It communicates with an Engineering Kit via RS232 through USB. Updates will be posted periodically when required.
LCD36x24 Source Code
The LCD36x24 Source Code is a C firmware for all LCD36x24 Engineering Kits. It is written so that it is easy to modify, or add to, by the user. It handles the images, attributes and commands downloaded by the user and manages the switches. It communicates to a computer through USB, and both receive commands and data and send various reports. Updates will be posted periodically when required.
LCD64x32 Source Code
The LCD64x32 Source Code is a C firmware for all LCD64x32 Engineering Kits. It is written so that it is easy to modify, or add to, by the user. It handles the images, attributes and commands downloaded by the user and manages the switches. It communicates to a computer through USB, and both receive commands and data and send various reports. Updates will be posted periodically when required.
OLED Source Code
The OLED Source Code is a C firmware for all of the OLED Engineering Kits. It is written so that it is easy to modify, or add to, by the user. It handles the images, attributes and commands downloaded by the user and manages the switches. It communicates to a computer through USB, and both receive commands and data and send various reports. Updates will be posted periodically when required.
Student Resources
If you have obtained a SmartDisplay Engineering Development Kit from one of our student outreach programs, below are resources to help you get up and running with your designs including a tutorial, source code, command list, and helper software.